Saturday, February 11, 2017

Proximity Cards - Contactless Smart Cards

What is a Proximity Card?
A proximity card also known as ‘prox’ cards are smart cards that have a feature of “contactless technology” and so they can be read without the help of a reader device which are required for reading magnetic strip cards such as debit or credit cards. In organizations, proximity cards are used in the form of smart cards to have control on their employees through physical access control system. Every employee is provided with a proximity card, and for entrance in the organizations, employees are required to display the card in front of the proximity card reader. The proximity card reader through radio signals receives ID from the proximity card which the reader further transmit to the main computer. After checking the access database, the system either allow or restrict the entry of the employee.
Kinds of Proximity Card

Passive proximity cards

Passive proximity cards are identified through radio waves signals transmitted from the proximity card reader. And as these cards have limited range and so in order to be read these cards have to be bring closer to the card reader. These cards are generally used in office buildings for access control doors. These smart cards are also used for public transit, in libraries and in payment system.

Active proximity cards
Active proximity cards are also known as vicinity cards. These cards uses internal lithium battery. Unlike passive proximity cards, these cards have range up to 6 feet or 2 meters. These cards are generally used for automated toll collection. However as they are powered by battery, they are required to be replace within 2 to 7 years.
There are variety of proximity smart cards and proximity key fobs available in the market for gaining physical access such as kantech proximity cards, HID proximity cards, indala proximity card, AWID proximity cards, etc.

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